🧑 About Me

I am a fourth-year PhD student at SJTU School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Yuzhuo Fu. Previously, I obtained my bachelor’s degree from School of Physics and Astromony, Shanghai Jiaotong University.

I am now working on LLM based data generation, instruction tuning, dialogue generation and parameter-efficient learning. If you are seeking any form of academic cooperation, please feel free to email me at gaojingsheng@sjtu.edu.cn.

My long-term collaborators include Suncheng Xiang, Mingye Xie and Jiacheng Ruan at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). Previously, I once worked under the guidance of Wang Baoyuan, Yixin Lian and Bin Dai in Xiaoice. Open-source projects can be found at my Github, and the full list of my publications can be found at Google Scholar.

In my free time, I enjoy swimming, playing board games, and photography. Additionally, I occasionally post random thoughts on Zhihu.

📢 I am expected to graduate in 2025. If you have any suitable job recommendations, please feel free to contact me.

🔥 News

  • [07/2024] One paper gets accepted by ACM MM’24.
  • [06/2024] Outstanding Contribution Award in CVPR 2024 Embodied Al Workshop, SEATTLE
  • [05/2024] One paper gets accepted by IJCAI’24.
  • [04/2024] I will be a reviewer of International Journal of Computer Vision
  • [03/2024] I will be an assistant editor of Med-X.
  • [03/2024] One paper gets accepted by ICME’24.
  • [02/2024] I will be a reviewer of Journal of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
  • [01/2024] I will be a reviewer of ARR2024 and ACL2024.
  • [01/2024] One paper get accepted by Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications.
  • [12/2023] One paper get accepted by EAAI’24.
  • [12/2023] 🎉 One paper get accepted by AAAI’24.
  • [10/2023] One paper gets accepted by ACM TOMM.
  • [06/2023] One paper gets accepted by MICCAI’23.
  • [06/2023] One paper gets accepted by ACL’23 Workshop.
  • [05/2023] 🎉 Two paper gets accepted by ACL’23.
  • [04/2023] One paper gets accepted by ICASSP’23 Satellite Workshop.
  • [03/2023] One paper gets accepted by ICME’23.

📝 Publications


LAMM: Label Alignment for Multi-Modal Prompt Learning

Jingsheng Gao, Jiacheng Ruan, Suncheng Xiang, Zefang Yu, Ke Ji, Mingye Xie, Ting Liu, Yuzhuo Fu
The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024. (CCF-A)

📄 Paper 🍔 Project


LiveChat: A Large-Scale Personalized Dialogue Dataset Automatically Constructed from Live Streaming

Jingsheng Gao, Yixin Lian, Ziyi Zhou, Yuzhuo Fu, Baoyuan Wang
The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2023. (CCF-A)

📄 Paper 🍔 Project


Hierarchical Verbalizer for Few-Shot Hierarchical Text Classification

Ke Ji, Yixin Lian, Jingsheng Gao, Baoyuan Wang
The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2023. (CCF-A)

📄 Paper 🍔 Project


Toward an End-to-End Implicit Addressee Modeling for Dialogue Disentanglement

Jingsheng Gao, Zeyu Li, Suncheng Xiang, Zhuowei Wang, Ting Liu, Yuzhuo Fu
Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTA), 2024. (CCF-C)

📄 Paper 🍔 Project


From Raw Video to Pedagogical Insights: A Unified Framework for Student Behavior Analysis

Zefang Yu, Mingye Xie, Jingsheng Gao, Ting Liu, Yuzhuo Fu
The Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence(EAAI), 2024. (AAAI Special Track)

📄 Paper 🍔 Project


DynaSlim: Dynamic Slimming for Vision Transformers

Da Shi*, Jingsheng Gao*, Ting Liu, Yuzhuo Fu (* means equal contribution)
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) (ICME), 2023. (CCF-B)

📄 Paper 🍔 Project


CluCDD: Contrastive Dialogue Disentanglement via Clustering

Jingsheng Gao, Zeyu Li, Suncheng Xiang, Ting Liu, Yuzhuo Fu
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Satellite Workshop (IWCIM), 2023.

📄 Paper 🍔 Project


EGE-UNet: an Efficient Group Enhanced UNet for skin lesion segmentation

Jiacheng Ruan, Mingye Xie, Jingsheng Gao, Ting Liu, Yuzhuo Fu
The 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2023. (CCF-B)

📄 Paper 🍔 Project


Rethinking Person Re-Identification via Semantic-Based Pretraining

Suncheng Xiang, Dahong Qian, Jingsheng Gao, Zirui Zhang, Ting Liu, Yuzhuo Fu
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (ACM TOMM), 2023. (CCF-B)

📄 Paper 🍔 Project


SAE-NTM: Sentence-Aware Encoder for Neural Topic Modeling

Hao Liu, Jingsheng Gao, Suncheng Xiang, Ting Liu, Yuzhuo Fu
4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI), 2023.

📄 Paper 🍔 Project

📡 Patents



发明人: 高景盛, 连怡鑫, and 王宝元
发明专利: CN115544237A, 2022
摘要: 本发明实施例提供一种基于直播场景的对话数据集构建方法及装置,该方法包括:基于主播直播视频的用户评论,获取用户评论发表后预设时间内文本格式的主播讲话内容;获取主播讲话内容中与用户评论具有重叠词汇的句子并计算和用户评论间的语义相似度…


🎖 Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Contribution Award in the CVPR 2024 Embodied Al Workshop, SEATTLE
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University Excellent Scholarship in 2023
  • Alumni Association Board Member of School of Physics and Astromony in 2023
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University Outstanding Graduate in 2020
  • National Scholarship in 2019
  • Three Good Student in 2019
  • National Encouragement Scholarship in 2018
  • He Shaoshi Scholarship in 2017

📖 Educations

  • 2020.09 - Now, Phd Candidate, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univeristy, Shanghai.
  • 2016.09 - 2020.06, Undergraduate, School of Physics and Astromony, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univeristy, Shanghai.

🔧 Services

  • Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2024)
  • Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024)
  • IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2024)
  • ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2023)
  • International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023-2024)
  • Journal Reviewer of International Journal of Computer Vision
  • Journal Reviewer of Expert Systems with Applications
  • Journal Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

💬 Teaching

  • 2023.03 - 2023.07, Integrated Hardware Practice in Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • 2022.03 - 2022.07, Integrated Hardware Practice in Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • 2022.03 - 2022.07, College Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • 2021.09 - 2022.01, Integrated Circuit Design Practice in Microelectronics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • 2021.03 - 2021.07, College Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

💻 Internships

  • 2024.01 - now, Xiaoice, Shanghai.

  • 2022.08 - 2023.02, Xiaoice, Shanghai.

  • 2020.06 - 2020.08, Fosun Pharmaceutical, Shanghai.